News, Views, and Information about Disability

Disability News, Views, Information, and Literature

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Talkitt Speech App for People with Speech Disabilities

By Sharon Wachsler

According to the Talkitt Indigogo site, one-and-a-half of the world's population has a speech disability, including people with ALS (amytrophic lateral sclerosis), Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, stroke and other brain injuries, autism, and more. I had a speech disability for several years due to chronic Lyme disease, and I would have loved something like Talkitt!

Talkitt is a unique speech recognition app. It learns the patterns of the user's voice, and then re-speaks what they said in standard language so that others can understand. The Indigogo page says it can be used with any language ("French, Chinese, Klingon")! More from the site:
In the immediate future, Talkitt will run on any smartphone or tablet. Later, Talkitt will run on PCs, laptops and wearable devices allowing the person to speak freely with anyone, anywhere and anytime. 
For more information, check out the Talkitt This Is My Voice page on Indiegogo.

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